Real Estate Broker Sample Test for IL and SD ONLY

National Real Estate Broker Multiple-Choice Sample Examination with a score report by content area.

Suitable for Broker candidates in IL, SD, and WA.
Important: this web test content is identical to the National Real Estate Salesperson Self-Assessment examination (listed above).
Question Bank 100 items
Format Best for Desktop
Attempts Single
Access 30 days
Portion National
This product covers the National portion content for the following state(s):  IL, SD
Current Stock:

Important: Sample Examination questions are IDENTICAL to the Self-Assessment Examination questions.

Suitable for Broker candidates in IL, SD, and WA.

The National Real Estate Broker Multiple-Choice Sample Examination is composed of 100 items that match the detailed content outline used in the states for which AMP provides examination services. This examination includes items that are similar to those found on the real estate licensing examination, distributed among the following topics:

  Number of Items
Agency Relationships and Contracts 28
Real Property Ownership/Interest 14
Finance 15
Real Property 14
Marketing Regulations 8
Property Management 8
Real Estate Calculations 13

Note: the items on this examination remain similar to those found on the real estate licensing examination, but the distribution of items has not been updated to reflect the new specifications being introduced in 2016.

After selecting a response, you may choose to grade your answer to reveal the correct response. Once you grade your response you cannot change the selection. In addition, after you complete the examination, a score report by content area will be emailed to you. There are no explanations provided with this Sample Examination.

Please note that the examination items are copyrighted by AMP and may not be reproduced.

The detailed content outline for this examination appears in each state’s Candidate Handbook, which may be found on AMP’s website by clicking here.  This examination may be used as a practice examination to help you become familiar with the types of items you will encounter on the National Real Estate Broker Examination.  Please note that not all of the items in this sample examination were actually administered to candidates.  In addition, the score you receive will not predict the score you will receive on the actual licensing exam.  For more information about real estate licensing rules and links to the jurisdictions in which AMP examinations are used, please click here.

Once you have purchased the sample examination, you will have access to it for 30 days from the date the order is placed. Please note that the exam can be taken only once per purchase; however, you do not have to complete the entire exam in one sitting. If you decide to return to the exam at a later date, you must do so within the 30-day eligibility period. Options within the exam allow you to exit and return to the exam at a later time.

Once you choose to “Finish and Display Results or Finish and Exit the examination, you cannot return to the examination.

Please note that these exams can be taken only once per purchase. After you have finished and scored the exam, you cannot access the exam again.

To take this test on the web you must have the following:

  • A compatible internet browser such as the current version of Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Other browsers may or may not work.
  • Cookies and scripting must be enabled.
  • Pop-up blocking must be disabled.
Question Bank
100 items
Best for Desktop
30 days
Applicable States