Certified Healthcare Constructor (AHA PMG Member Price)


Certified Healthcare Constructor Self-Assessment Examination (CHC SAE)

(To be eligible for the member rate, you must provide a current and valid membership number during checkout.)

This exam is valid and accessible for 90 days from the time of purchase.

IMPORTANT: Customers redeeming a voucher code for this item must include "AHA-CHC-" preceding the voucher code provided by AHA in the "Coupon/Voucher Code" field in your Cart or at Checkout. Example: if the voucher code you received was X19120019, you would enter AHA-CHC-X19120019 as the Coupon/Voucher code.

Format Best for Desktop
Question Bank 100 items
Attempts Single
Access 90 days
Current Stock:

(To be eligible for the member rate, you must provide a current and valid membership number during checkout. Enter your name exactly as it appears in the AHA membership database. If you are unsure of your membership ID number or current membership status, please contact the AHA Member Services Center at 312-422-3800.)

Developed by the AHA Certification Center (AHA-CC) using the same procedures to develop the CHC Certification Exam, this self-assessment tool may help Certified Healthcare Constructor (CHC) candidates prepare for the CHC Certification Exam. It can serve as a diagnostic tool to assess strengths and areas for improvement in the content areas covered on the exam. Other practitioners may find the tool useful for professional development purposes.

The CHC SAE is an online practice test that parallels the format, content, cognitive levels and difficulty of the CHC Certification Exam. The added benefit of the SAE is the rationale provided for each potential response to the questions. While the CHC Certification Exam contains 115 multiple-choice items, of which 100 are scored and the other 15 are pre-test items, the CHC SAE contains 100 items.

The SAE is not a pre-requisite to take the Certification Exam and is not intended to be a substitute for studying for the exam or the required professional experience. It should not be inferred that performance on the SAE will replicate performance on the actual Certification Exam.

Access to the SAE. After you have successfully placed your order for the SAE, you will receive an email with specific instructions on how to access and complete the SAE. Depending on your email settings and provider, it could take up to one hour to receive the email from exams@lxr.com. If you do not receive the email within one hour, please check your spam and/or junk email folders and notify SAE support at 913-895-4828 for further assistance.

You will have unlimited online access to the SAE for up to 90 days from the date of purchase or until you complete the SAE and submit it to be scored, whichever occurs first.

Once you select Finish and Display Results, you will no longer have online access to the SAE. At that point, you will receive the following reports via email. You may print these reports and use them as a resource and for continued preparation for the Certification Exam.

  • Score Report - Indicates the number of questions you answered correctly within each content area as well as your selected response to each question.
  • Feedback Report - Lists each item and explanation for each option on the exam, the option you selected, and the correct answer.

NOTE: Purchase of the SAE is intended for single person use by the person who purchased the SAE.

Copyright © 2012, AHA Certification Center, a division of the American Hospital Association. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reprint, use, distribution, or commercial exploitation of this material, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including copying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. For information, contact the AHA Certification Center at certification@aha.org or 312-422-3711.

Completion of the SAE is an eligible certification renewal education activity. Current CHCs who complete the CHC SAE, report it on the Certification Renewal Application and when requested, submit proof of completion, earn five (5) contact hours toward the certification renewal requirements. A copy of the Score Report serves as proof of completion.

To take this test on the web you must have the following:

  • A compatible internet browser such as the current version of Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Other browsers may or may not work.
  • Cookies and scripting must be enabled.
  • Pop-up blocking must be disabled.
Best for Desktop
Question Bank
100 items
90 days