AAVSB QSE Practice Exam


A 75-item multiple-choice/90-minute online practice test developed to be parallel in content and difficulty to the actual Qualifying Science Examination (QSE). Items are based on the seven major domain areas that detail the tasks and knowledge consistently used to assess basic veterinary science proficiency.

This exam is valid and accessible for 180 days from the time of purchase.

Please note: The PSI Online store is intended for test-taker practice exam orders.
If you are a Program Director, please order practice exams through your School Portal at the following link:
https://ampportal.goamp.com/School/Login Purchase quantity is limited to one per each form and the practice test will be sent to whomever’s email address is listed on the order. If you are planning to have the test sent to someone else, you will need to use that person’s name and email address to make the purchase. If both test forms are ordered, both will go to the same recipient. Example: You would like to order AAVSB Form A to Carol and AAVSB Form B to Kevin in the same order. You will have to place to separate orders as all would have to be to Carol or Kevin.

Format Best for Desktop
Question Bank 75 items
Attempts Single
Access 180 days
Current Stock:

The AAVSB QSE practice test is a 75-item multiple-choice/90-minute online practice test. It was developed to be parallel in content and difficulty to the actual Qualifying Science Examination (QSE). Items are based on the seven major domain areas that detail the tasks and knowledge consistently used to assess basic veterinary science proficiency. The QSE Blueprint is available on the Qualifying Science Exam webpage on the AAVSB PAVE website.

The QSE practice test should be regarded as a diagnostic tool to assess a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, rather than a study guide for the QSE. A passing score on the QSE practice test does not, in any way, guarantee a passing score on the QSE. Utilization of this online practice tool is not a requirement for eligibility or for success in passing the QSE. The QSE practice test will provide experience in computer-based testing as well as the QSE-type items.

The QSE practice test will be available online to you for a period of 180 days from the date the order is placed. After you view your score report and sub-scores by domain area, you cannot access the exam again. Your individual results will be anonymous and are not reported back to the AAVSB.

The QSE practice test is copyrighted and questions from the practice test are not to be removed in any manner, including memorization, electronic downloads, recording devices, copying, or through any other means.

To take this test on the web you must have the following:

  • A compatible internet browser such as the current version of Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Other browsers may or may not work.
  • Cookies and scripting must be enabled.
  • Pop-up blocking must be disabled.
Best for Desktop
Question Bank
75 items
180 days