Certified Professional in Human Factors in Health Care (CPHFH) Practice Exam
This exam is valid and accessible for 60 days from the time of purchase.
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Sponsor Notification: CBPPS does not endorse resources designed to prepare candidates to take the certification exam. Completion of the practice exam is optional and not required to take or pass the certification exam. Taking the practice exam does not guarantee a passing score or improved performance on the exam.
The Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety (CBPPS) Certified Professional in Human Factors in Health Care Exam is a 50-question online practice exam that was developed to be parallel in content and difficulty to the actual human factors in health care certification exam. This practice exam may be used by candidates to evaluate their knowledge before taking the proctored certification examination.
The practice exam should be regarded as a diagnostic tool to assess strengths and weaknesses, rather than a study guide for the examination. Upon purchase, the practice exam is available for a period of 60 days from the date of purchase, or until all 50 questions have been answered.
At the time of completion, candidates receive a numerical score for each content area, as well as a summary including each question in its entirety, along with their response and the correct answer for each.
Please note that the score on the practice exam does not in any way predict a candidates score on the certification examination, and the utilization of this tool is not a requirement for eligibility or for success in passing the certification examination.
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- A compatible internet browser such as the current version of Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Other browsers may or may not work.
- Cookies and scripting must be enabled.
- Pop-up blocking must be disabled.
- Format
- Best for Desktop
- Question Bank
- 50 items
- Attempts
- Single
- Access
- 60 days