About PSI
Practice tests and exam prep resources from America's most trusted tester.
For more than 50 years, PSI has led the industry in providing assessment and evaluation programs for businesses, state governments and professional associations. PSI develops a range of assessments for pre-employment selection, evaluation, placement, and licensure and certification to provide workforce assessment solutions that enable our clients to match important individual capabilities with job demands.
Our reputation is built on unprecedented research demonstrating that tests predict professional readiness and performance. Whether you use our published products or custom solutions, you are in good company. One-third of the Fortune 100 and dozens of state agencies have found value using our assessment solutions.
PSI initially created our online store to make it easy for candidates to obtain the books and reference materials listed in the Candidate Information Bulletins. As our store has grown, PSI has added objective-based practice tests to simulate national exams, additional exam preparation materials offered by leaders in education, and training partnerships for each sector.